Presidents’ Day Tournaments

Registration Procedures:
It is strongly recommended that you have set up and logged in to your Daysmart Account well ahead of the tournament registration open dates so that you can make sure that your Daysmart Account is ready to go, and that you are familiar with the registration process.
When the Tournament  Registrations “go live”, the vast majority of the tournaments typically fill within a matter of minutes.  

The online Daysmart Account registration process will be the quickest and most secure way to register.  It will also give us a very accurate “timestamp” as each registration is received.  Online registrations are automatically entered into the system immediately as they are submitted, while faxed and mailed registrations will need to be manually entered after they are received.

Online registrations will require in-full credit card payments at the time of registration.  The online registration process will provide you with an automatically emailed receipt of your payment, which can then be submitted to your team or organization for reimbursement, as appropriate.

All registrations received with FULL PAYMENT will be processed on a First Come, First Served basis. 

Please be careful about placing multiple tournament registrations in your shopping cart at one time.

Each tournament date will include a maximum of 12 teams per weekend.  Each of the tournaments are “open” tournaments.  The tournament format includes three (3) Pool Play games on Saturday (1 hr. 15 min. drop-dead), with all teams advancing to the seeded Single Elimination Bracket on Sunday.

Tournament Cancellation Policy:
Although we try to work with all teams that enter our events, it is important to understand the problems that are created when a team registers for an event and then does not follow through with their commitment to participate.  When you enter a tournament, we make a commitment to you – we expect the same type of commitment in return. These instances not only affect our organization, but every other organization that has made a commitment to play.  Therefore, the following Cancellation Policy is in effect:

      • All cancellations must be received in writing via email, fax, or regular mail.  Verbal cancellations will not be accepted.
      • Teams that cancel out of an event more than 30 days prior to the start of the event, that is not closed, will be issued either a refund or credit of the entry fee minus a $75 administrative fee.  The credit can be used within 12 months for another tournament that the team is not currently registered for.
      • There will be no refund or credit issued for any team that cancels 30 days or less prior to the scheduled start of the tournament.
      • Once a tournament is full and “closed,” or a game schedule has been distributed, absolutely no refunds will be given.  At the sole discretion of the tournament director, a credit may be offered, less a $75 administrative fee, which may be used for another Afrim’s Sports tournament during the current year, provided the other tournament is not full and a schedule has not yet been distributed.

Important – 7-day Waiting Period:
During the first seven (7) days following the opening of the Registrations for the Winter Tournaments, we will accept ONLY ONE (1) team per organization per tournament.
Should an additional team from an organization register for the same tournament during the 7-day waiting period, only the first team to register (based on the DASH registration timestamp) will be allowed.  Any additional team(s) will be removed.
Beginning Tuesday, Sept. 10th – 7 days following the opening of  Registrations – organizations are welcome to enter additional teams in any remaining tournament openings. 

Wait Lists:

If the tournament you are registering for has reached its enrollment limit and is not “Accepting Teams” you can still register and be placed on a waiting list. If an opening develops, teams will be contacted in the order that the Wait List Registration forms were received.  Your credit card will not be processed, or your check cashed, unless an opening becomes available, and we have contacted you to confirm that your team is able to fill the open spot.

Age Cut-Offs:
All of the 2024-25 tournaments (fall, winter, and summer) will follow the 2025 USA Softball age cut-offs.
Click here to use the USA Softball Age Calculator

Hotels Requirements:

Hotel Policy: Any teams needing overnight accommodations for the winter tournaments are required to complete all of their reservations exclusively through Halpern Travel.

Management reserves the right to disqualify and remove any team or organization that does not adhere to the Hotel Policy. At a minimum, any team found to be in violation of, or to have violated the Hotel Policy will be fined $500 penalty fee, which will have to be paid before any further participation in any game, tournament, or event.
We strongly encourage you to book your reservations early.

It’s Easy to Sign Up!



All the Details!

Tournament Fee: $950

Umpire Fee: $50 per game at the plate

Format: 3 Round Robin Pool

Email our tournament director at AfrimTournaments@gmail.com

Presidents’ Day Tournament Dates

16U – February 19th-20th, 2025



Hotel Information